What is home?

What is Home? Well it’s where you live. But to me home is full of memories, good one, bad ones, sad ones, funny ones, and many more. Home also means family because it’s where you spend the most time with them. But this might not be the same for you. You might live in an apartment, or a condo, maybe even a big or small house! Also where you live affects your meaning of home. Like if you live in a rural area, or maybe you live in the city, you might even live in a neighborhood! A Lot of other things affect the meaning of home. Like pets you can cuddle with them and play with them too! The colour, shape, and size of your home affects your meaning of home even your past homes. So what actually is the true meaning of home? There are scientific definitions of home and the definitions of home in the dictionary. But I think that there is no true definition of home because everyone has their own meaning of home!


5 Année

Barrie, Ontario

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