The meaning of home
How do you make a house a home? Well, I think my pets, my family and my stuff is what I need to make my house a home.
My pets make my house a home because they make me happy and they are good. They make me better when I am sad. My dogs are funny and they are good and make me feel good and warm. They are also bad at times. Their names are Walter, Premie, Bea and Gem. The dogs are a chunni, a wiener dog and a french/english bulldog and pitbull. Walter likes to play with his ball. Premie likes to lay down. Jem likes to cuddle a lot. Gem also likes to sleep sometimes. Bea, well, likes to sleep all of the time. Mona is a mean cat that is one of the pets in my house. Walter will play all day. A house would not feel like a home without my pets.
Family is important to me because I need them and a house without family would not be a home. My mom, dad and brother make me happy. They make me feel good in every way. My brother is the best brother because I normally don’t get to see him but when I do we like to hang out. That is why my family is important to me and makes a house a home.
My pets and family are important to making a house a home but also my photographs are important too. They are important because they make me happy when I remember when we took them. Food makes me happy and it is good to eat. My favourite food is pizza but mostly I like pepperoni. Stuff like sleeping makes me happy because it feel good to do it. And that is why stuff like pictures, food and sleeping help make my house feel like home.
If you ever get a house I hope that you have pets, family and stuff that you like to make it feel like home. Thanks for reading this. I hope I win this writing contest because it will mean a lot to me.
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