Meaning of Home

What does home mean to you? Home to me is memories and learning new things. Home is important to me because it shelters me from the weather outside and it also gives me a warm and comfortable place to stay. Home to me is the place where I learned to walk and crawl home is the first place where I learned not all things are edible, lastly home to me is where I made my favourite memories like swimming in my pool and going on my first vacation. Home is a place to discover new things. Home to me is the place where I love and care for my animals. Home is the place where i was given my first pet, Home is the place where me and my pets play together, Home is the place where i love my animals Twilight, Tux ,Shadow, August ,Donut,Tarzan. Home is a place of love and happiness Home is a place to be loved . Home is a place where I feel safe , home is a place where I'm cared for,home is a place for me to be free and do the things I want like playing video games. In conclusion, home to me is where I love my pets, play video games and the place where I am loved the most. HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS.


6 Année


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