As simple as a word but as strong as a wall. Home.
Home, a title to be given by the ones you cherish. What really is the definition of home? Well, it is something to be treasured, just like family, it teaches you many things such as, anywhere can be home, like the library or even the park. Home indicates that we can be ourselves anywhere we want. It does not matter that people judge you for what or who you are, because that is just how we are you judge people without even realising it.
Home can also be a person. For example, your mother or father they can teach you many things too. As in choosing to be fair with yourself to, say no to things you wish not to do and, one thing you learn is to follow the golden rule, to respect someone even if they deserve to be hated they or have done unforgivable things. Many people despise them for what they did, but you still must respect them because they, have been pushed to do what they did, and they never had the chance to feel the true meaning of home. The feeling of being loved by the ones around you to feel respected, so the feeling of regret never enters their heart and that is why you must respect someone until that one person feels at home just anywhere, they are. That is what home means to me.
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