Home is where memories are made. Home is where my family is and the ones I love. I come home from the hospital and home is where I want to be. Home is for love and fun. There can be bad memories In that home but that just means that you can make new happy ones. Home is where my dogs and cat are. Home is where I feel safe, and secure. Home is where my room is and I love my room so I love my home. Some people don't have a home and I feel bad for them. Home is everything to me and they're missing out on it and knowing that people don't have a roof over their head makes me so upset and think how lucky I am. Lots of people have homes. Some don't. I don't think that's fair either because they can't afford one or the area won’t allow them either way. Sometimes people have a home that gets destroyed and in some sort of accident if that ever happens to someone in the community I would try to get enough people to pitch in and help rebuild their house. Everyone should be able to have a roof over their head and a place to call home.
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