Meaning of Home

What I think home means to me. Home to me isn’t just a place where you have a roof over your head. That is just the structure of the home. The thing that makes a home is the things you love! Like comfort, Comfort is really important because without it, you won't feel too good mentally and physically. Something that makes me feel comforted is my family surrounding me with their warm hearts. Those little things happen and make you feel ten times better. Other things that warm me up is knowing my family is there for me if I need anything and if i need any support mentally. Another thing that brings me comfort is warm blankets warming me and relaxing all my muscles. Next, are the feelings I feel while I'm at home. Things like feeling joy because you’re safe. You are loved by your family, making you feel important. And the warm blankets warming your toes up to your heart, those are just the little things that make you feel at home. Finally, one of the best things that make you feel at home are memories that fill your home! Like watching a movie in your living room with your family enjoying popcorn making you feel warm and loved. Other things like making cookies with your family in your kitchen while your fireplace is crackling and the bright light from the fire, shines through the glass. Also playing board games with my family as you sip on hot chocolate on a cold winter day. Getting warm by your heater as your socks are hanging above your warm vent. These are all the little and big things that make home, home!


6 Année

Oakville, Ontario

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