A Home, A House?

A home, a house, a place to stay. A place to feel welcomed. What does home mean to me? To me, home is a place to be with family. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you are doing, as long as your family is with you, you feel at home. It does not matter the time of the day, you always feel at home. To me, home is a place where I feel safe. I feel safe in my house because there are walls protecting me and alarms that can alert us of any danger. But more than that, I feel safe in my home because my family will keep my secrets and I know I can always tell them anything that is wrong. To me, home is a place where I always feel included. I feel included in my home because my family and I always do things together. There are not many times where I feel left alone with nothing to do. Home is always waiting for you!


5 Année

Toronto, Ontario

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