Unlike any other place, home is where I have the freedom to roam. Home is where I share my love and care. Home is where I don't get judged for myself. In some houses, the outside looks like an old ordinary building, but on the inside there is a happy family laughing and all brightened up. Home is where I don't have to be forced to be someone I don't want to be. Every evening coming back from school to my sweet home makes me very excited to share with my parents and sister the better and bitter moments that happened at school. When I think of a house I think of an empty building with walls and doors. But when I think of my home, I think of my loved ones who are supportive pillars on whom I can lean on at any time. No matter where you live, in a mansion or an apartment, it doesn't matter how it looks on the outside, but only the enjoyable moments and the enthusiastic memories you create inside the home matters. Every minute when I am safe at home, I get reminded of homeless people abandoned on the street in this cold weather, feeling lonely and depressed. I pray sincerely to God, wishing everyone on earth to have a sweet home like me. I thank God for giving me a lovely happy home filled with joy and beautiful memories. I wrote this poem to create awareness among us, young children, to extend our helping hands as much as possible to change the meaning of a person's life so everyone can have a home and a chance to create their own memories, like us. I also wrote this poem to tell people who have a home, are really lucky to have one.
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