What Home Means to Me
Home means a lot of different things to me. First of all, my family! My family can be crazy, loud, AnNoYiNg, and they tease A LOT! They also are funny, and support me with my school and figure skating. They make me laugh when I feel sad too. I also have a brother who is really funny! Me and my family love to go to the basement or the bonus room to watch movies! This is my home!
Me and my brother have a room we share where we exercise and do other activities. We are very lucky because we have technology for when we want to play and get physical activity. My brother also has hockey mini sticks, he likes to play with our dog. We also have VR/virtual reality and a PS4 connected with a TV. This room is our home
Next, my room! My room is a place where I can do anything I like and I can be me. The walls are covered with my artwork that I worked hard on. So many memories are in my room! My room is my home and past!
Now I am going to talk about our fur balls/ our pets! We have 3 pets… They are really fun to play with and snuggle and cheer you up when you are sad. When you start running, Balki will chase you! And I love them! They are things that make my home, home!
It all comes together as a comfy, warm, happy, silly, cute, home that even has a big backyard. It always makes me feel loved and supported as a kid. It is my place where I feel loved and safe. Home is where the heart is and stays.
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