Cherish the world, cherish your life for some people don't have a really long time. Your home is special, no matter how big, no matter how small, no matter if it's colorful, bright or dull, just remember to cherish it all.
For not all people have the comfort of home, it's not always warm for them at night. They will grow cold throughout their days, sooner or later they will lose their way, but they don't deserve this I have to say, not at all for their own sake.
They all deserve a nice warm home, so they can sleep, laugh, and play, even if they will pass someday. We all deserve it in a way. Those who are out there in the night, how cold they are in the black dark night, not all of the people have a nice warm bed, so they can rest their tired heads, for all that they may go through, even if they have less than a cardboard box, I hope that we can help them all.
Cherish your life, cherish all.
No matter how much you have, no matter how little,
Cherish your life, cherish your faith. No matter what may come your way.
The meaning of home is very big, it just may be a word, but it has some things to say.
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