What Home Means to Me

To me home means security and safety. Home is where I was raised. I have lived in the same home for nine years, almost ten! Home is where I sleep and dream. Home is where I have fun and hang out with friends. My most favorite part about home is my family; my mom and dad, and siblings too. Home is my family. My home is safe. I feel safe and happy when I am at home. I have lots of memories at my home and pictures too. Every time I go on sleepovers I want to go home. I feel happy when I'm at home. Home is a special place to me. I feel lucky and rich when I am with my family. I have lots of memories like pictures and videos that my mom used to take. I remember that my mom recorded me and I was trying to speak to my sisters and say their names, but I was speaking gibberish. It is so so funny. In other videos and pictures of my sister Lilly, she has lipstick all over her face. This how I feel when I am at home.


4 Année

Edmonton, Alberta

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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