The Meaning of Home
A house is not a home if there is no family.
A house is not a home without happiness.
A house is not a home without you.
When people buy a house they turn it into a home. One time, I was new to Canada when my family and I moved to a new house. We barely knew anyone there, but gradually, as I started to go to school and my mom and dad at work, soon we got enough money to buy proper mattresses and a proper water filter. Me, my dad, and my mom turned our house into a home.
“Home wasn't built in a day.” - Friedrich Kunath
When people buy a house they call it a home. One time my family and I went out. We were going to a family-friend’s house. When we got there, we stayed there for 3 hours. Once we were done we needed to go home.
When people buy a house they invite friends and family to make a home. One time when we were new to kitchener we had no friends, no one. But we decided to invite our friends and family to entertain ourselves and our friends are always welcome in our home.
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