What Home Means to Me

I feel the most safe when I am home. When I think about my home, there are lots of reasons why I feel safe and happy. My essay will show how my family, hockey and challenges make my home the most fun. Home is where the people and pets are that I love. I am grateful that I can give my dad or my mom a ginormous hug. As soon as I get in the door my dog greets me by trying to climb up my legs. On top of my family and my dog making me happy, I love being able to play hockey. I can even play and practice hockey at home. My dad passes the hockey puck to me with his boot so I can shoot the puck from all different angles. Besides having my Dad’s help, my Pro Hockey Balance Board helps me keep my balance while I am stick handling. In addition to my family, dog and hockey, home is where I can make family challenges. Lastly, my home is the place where I can put together challenges or games that my family can do. One of the challenges that I made had a series of 7 obstacles and the fastest time won. My Dad beat my sister by just a few seconds! The second game we play a lot is charades. We have teams and the games can always get pretty loud and competitive! My home is definitely the place I feel the most safe and have the most fun. Spending time with my family and dog, playing hockey and putting challenges together is the best!


5 Année

Kitchener, Ontario

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