What home means to me

For other people, a home might mean a place to live, eat and sleep but to me home means a lot more than that. At home, I can be myself. Home is where I make memories and share a laugh. Even though sometimes we fight we all love each other. I love my home but I also love the people who live in it with me. Home isn't just a place, home is where all your family is. Although I said home is not just a place to live, eat and sleep, I am so lucky to be able to do all three things. I have a beautiful house, with my own room to sleep where I can decorate in the way that I want to. Some kids have to live with their parents and sisters and brothers all in one room. I have a beautiful bed to sleep in. When I'm sleeping I know that I am safe, warm and cozy. Some kids don't have a bed to sleep in and they have to sleep on the hard ground outside. When kids and adults are living and sleeping outside it will not always be safe. In the winter it could be -30 and they will still have to be sleeping in the cold and it's so sad. I have a beautiful kitchen where my mom makes delicious homemade meals. While eating we all surround the kitchen table talking about each other's days. Some families don't have a kitchen, some families don't even have food because they don't have enough money to afford it. I am so lucky to have such an amazing house and when I grow up I wish to have a great house and an amazing family just like mine.


6 Année

Georgetown, Ontario

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