To me, a home can be different from your house.
A home has privacy and things like clean water and food, but also food you like! A home has help if you need it, and people who are kind to you and will stick by you. But most importantly in my home, I have Mr. Monkey, my stuffed animal.
Although home is somewhere safe, it needs to be comfortable, you should have a clean place to sleep and rest. A home is somewhere you are happy, taken care of, and respected. You should be able to have fun by yourself or with the people around you and a place where you can practice your religion and not have to hide things about yourself.
Somewhere that’s home you can rest at the end of the day or at night, and recharge when you're tired physically, or emotionally. Somewhere you can take shelter when the weather is too cold like in winter, or wet like when it's raining, or even when it's 30℃ and too hot for comfort.
In your home, you should be able to breathe freely, and not feel like you're suffocating. You should feel safe asking for what you want and need and you can laugh, or cry, or sing, or just be quiet. A home is somewhere your siblings or pets are safe and happy and everyone works together!
From my point of view, you can see that a home doesn't have to be your house, it can be a friend's house, a relatives house, somewhere like a cottage or a treehouse, or just a little cubby.
Remember, you don't always know how people are treated at their houses, and you don’t know if they even have a house! I hope that one day everyone can have not only a house, but a home.