Home:What isit?
Home:What isit?
What is a home?
It is different from a house.
A house is a building. It is physical, it has walls, a roof, but that does not make it a home. A home… is morethan just a house. It is not necessarily aperfect house, because it could be the largest mansion,and still not be a home. It is a feeling, a warm, happy, loving feeling. Jolly memories, from learning to ride a bike to cuddling with your pet in a storm. It is caring, safe, filled with the things you love. It can be associated with a house, but sometimes people don’t have a house that they can love and enjoy. Sometimes it is an object that is in a house that makes them feel positive, warm feelings inside. Yet sometimes things break or are forgotten. No, a house is more than that. Home is simply, love. And loving everything inside, outside the house, and of course your house. It has positive and negative memories, but it has always been there, with lots of friends and family inside, or all alone, where you could hear a pin drop. From when you were just an infant, to where you are now, to make all of your happy memories that you still cherise today. It isn’t just a house, because most people now have moved. You might never see your old house again, but you will always have your home, because your home is unique to you, and it will always be there, with you. Almost like you are always going to have yourself, through thick and thin, you will always have your home, so you can never really be alone with a home. There isn't a home that is perfect, but no one really is either. But what makes a home is love, and that can make almost any homealmost perfect. And to bereal, that is really the best thing a person could ask for. Not a house, but a home. That they can be happy to have. Because a house can mean a lot. But ahomeis one of the best things someone can have.
I am solemn to inform you that not everyone has a home. Even though home is a basic human right! I am writing this in hope to give someone ahome. And Habitat for Humanity is helping by giving people who don’t have enough money to buy a fully furnished house (because of the ever-rising rates of real estate) to make their own and not have to worry about not actually owning it and having to pay rent every month. They can give someone their much needed house. And even though this isn’t giving them ahome, a house likethis is the perfect starting point for a home.
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