What Home Means to Me

Home can mean many things to different people. When I think about the meaning of home I think about family , safety and memories Home should be a special place that everyone has. A place where you can feel loved , cherished and comfortable. The first thing I think of when I think of home is my family. It doesn’t matter where we are, what city or country we live in. As long as we are together my home is there. My family is very important to me. They are what makes my home a home. Another meaning of home to me is a safe place. I think feeling safe where I live is important. Everyone deserves a safe place to call home. Finally, home is a place where I can form memories. Memories are something that I can always remember and think of the good times we had. My parents always talk about the things I did as a baby and as I grew. I think that is pretty cool. In conclusion, I think the meaning of home is having family, safety and a place to make memories. Home is where the heart is.


4 Année

Sudbury, Ontario

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