Meaning of Home

Meaning of Home The meaning of home means so many things. To me home means a lot more than a building. The place that I have spent the entirety of my life means more than I can tell you. The comfort, love and safety that I feel makes me feel like calling this place home. When I come home from school I instantly feel comfort from my mom and then my dog. When I get settled in, my mom asks me how my day was. My mom helps me with anything I need. My dog comes and comforts me when I feel sad or mad. When I come home I feel love. When I have had a bad day my mom asks why I had a bad day. Anytime I have nothing to do, my dog and I go and play outside for a while. My dog is like a brother to me. After me and my dog play, my mom makes me some hot chocolate. I feel so much safety at home. When I am sleeping I feel safe because I have family members that will protect me and keep me safe. If someone were to break in, my dog and parents would stop them. We have a security system to alert us if someone were on our property. As I have expressed above, comfort, love, and safety are the reasons why home means so much to me.


6 Année

Oro-Medonte, Ontario

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