What a home is to me

What does home mean to you? To me, home is very special and important because some people don’t have a home which is why I think we should take little things for granted because some people don't even have a house. Some people might be asking “what's the difference between a home and a house?” Well, a house is a physical structure that somebody could live in, if somebody didn't live in it it couldn't be a home but it would still be a house. A home is what a person makes it, the place where your family and loved ones live. Where all your furniture and some of your favourite things on the planet are. The things that mean the most to you are usually a part of your home. Now some people don't have a home or a house, they live on the sidewalk begging for money to live. Lasting cold, cold nights freezing with no shelter. That's why I am submitting this. Not because of the ipad or pizza party. Because I want to give people something to live for, look forward to everyday. I think everybody deserves at least a house, better yet a home. I hope somebody in my community win’s this contest because I see at least 5 homeless people almost every time I go for a walk. I hope that we can change this community together. I have always wanted to do something to show that this world has a chance, like start an organization to help people and places in need and I feel like this is my chance. I miss every shot I don't take so I'm hoping that I can make my community a better place.


6 Année

Kitchener, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


Urban Systems Foundation - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi