What is a home? What do I think is a home?

If someone asked me that on the street I'd probably say four walls and a roof but if I really think about it, A home is a place where you can be comfortable in your own skin, A place where you feel safe, Your happy place. Some people’s dream of a happy place like going to a beach or a ginormous mansion, but mine is my home snuggled up by the fireplace with my dogs. A home should be a place where you smile when you play family game night or when you cry when your guardian says you can't get something. I've hit so many milestones with my family by my side. It's a weird question when someone asks “what is a home” your mind immediately wonders “do they mean my house where i sleep or my family or my happy place?” If I had to decide what “home” means the most to me is my friends and family, I could never go on without them. I would do anything for them like getting ten trillion paper cuts then getting in a bath of lemon juice. They make me feel safe, happy and loved so much. It would take me a thousand lives to repay them for all the love and safety they have given me over the years. One of my favorite things about when someone asks what a home is, is getting to describe all the things that make up a home. It's solely based on your opinion, for example to me a home is safety and love but to someone else it's just a giant house and money. If I had to answer “What is a home?” I’d say my family and friends.


6 Année

Kitchener, Ontario

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