The Meaning Of Home

The meaning of home to me Is feeling safe and comfortable. The way I feel comfortable is because I live in a very safe neighborhood with lots of close friends living near me. Another thing that makes me feel comfortable inside of a home is having my family. My family truly likes me and enjoys my company and they just make me feel safe and sound when I am at home. My family is also very supportive of most of my decisions and that also makes me feel comfortable in my home. Another thing that makes me feel safe and secure is that I have an iphone so the police or emergency operators are just a phone call away and they can help me with all my serious problems at home. My dad also makes me feel really comfortable because he loves hockey, watching it and playing it. I also love hockey because it makes me feel so good and I love playing it at home with my dad and my brother and it just makes me feel really comfortable playing hockey with my family inside of my home. My least favorite thing about my meaning of home is doing chores because I feel like i am at home when I am vacuuming or cleaning the house. These are my reasons for what my meaning of home is like.


6 Année

Sarnia, Ontario

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