Bears' Home and My Home
I like my home because it’s warm and toasty in the basement. I also like my home
because my home has lots of things to do like crafts, three televisions, three bathrooms, five bedrooms, one furnace room, a kitchen, a dining room and a living room. That's where the television is. My favourite thing to do at my home is colouring. I also like my house because It has a roof for shelter. I like my home because it gives me all the things that I need to survive in this beautiful world.
At night my house is about as dark as a bear's cave when the lights are off. One of the bear’s favourite snacks is fish, and one of my favourite snacks is fishy-crackers. I have two sisters, one brother, a dad and a mom. Mother bears would usually have one to two cubs. Bears are super strong and fierce, and so am I. Bears are also very smart and so am I. I LOVE BEARS.
Everyone should have a home because homes give you shelter and safety. Homes give you warmth, freedom and health. The way you get health from your home, is that it keeps your food safe and from other animals that could steal it. Everyone should have a home because homes are awesome. It's like the best thing ever there, warm and cozy, and I feel like I would be really sad if I didn't have a home because homes truly are the best.