What My Home Means
W. My home makes people feel WELCOME.
H. My home makes me feel HAPPY.
A. My home has clean AIR.
T. My home has helped me be THANKFUL for things.
M. My home holds my MEMORIES
Y. My home keeps me protected for YEARS
H. I have stuff at home that keeps me HEALTHY
O. We (my family and me) celebrate OCCASIONS
M. I have a MARVELOUS home
E. When I’m at home I feel ENTERTAINED
M. My home is MIRACULOUS
E. I ENJOY when I play with my cat at home
A. I go on bike rides in the summer, it keeps me ACTIVE
N. I keep my plants NATURAL, so they stay healthy
S. My family helps me feel STRONG
My home has clean air, plants, happiness and lots more!
When I’m at home I play with my cat, I have a joyful home, loving family and lots of entertainment.
I love my home and there’s nothing I’d do to change it.
My home has loving people everywhere I look, except for my cat!
I have many memories at home, my home makes me feel safe in many ways!
My home makes me feel relaxed, lazy and more!
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