The Meaning of Home
James Jan17
Meaning of Home
To me home means that I am loved by my family. Home means I have a sturdy roof over my head and to live in a safe and strong home. Both the homes I live in have everything I need. Both have a sister and two parents and are situated in cul-de-sacs. There is never a dull moment with all chores I must do between my two homes, like scooping the poop for my cats and dogs. Having told you that, I will tell you that my cat Belle, Belle, is in love with me. She snuggles in my bed with me each night which makes me feel so happy. At my dad’s house, my other cat sun baths in the warmth of the sun on hot days, while my French Mastiv slobbers on me to show she loves me. So, as you can imagine, when I go to bed at night, I feel safe and loved. I wish every child could have a home like mine.
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