Home is Where?
Home is where I grow, learning things one by one from talking to walking, and playing. Where my family stays together all night. Home is where I am proud of what I have, from food, a life, and a joyful little sister who loves dancing and prancing. A house for instance is a building that can be used by many different people, but a home is where love, hope, and trust take place. Words spread towards your home about the kind and loving cheerful life around you. Home is where privacy and entertainment take place. I hope my memories live on throughout life. I cherish the moments at home. Each home is different, from big to small, tall or short, as long as people are proud of what they have the world could be filled with happiness not sad or angriness. Your family works hard to earn a home, seeking clean air, food, electricity, clothing, and clean water. Home is where life and joy begin.
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