My poem about home!
The sweet smell of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven
The melting chocolate pouring out of mom’s warm cookies
The paint splashed across the canvases in my bedroom decorating my blue walls
My cats meowing at the front door
The pencil scratching on paper, drawing sketches
This is home
Anime people looking back at me from my drawings
The click of my computer mouse, making blocks on minecraft
The smell of rain on almost every Canada day
My needle, glinting on my cross stitch
This is home
My well loved stuffed animals lined up in a row
My favorite books lined up by my bed
The blue of my walls, and teal of my bed
The white of my dressers bringing out the light gray hardwood floor
This is home
My fuzzy carpet on the floor
The colorful lego on the shelves,
Also scattered across the floor
My winning custom lego build, sitting on my shelf
That I made for the lego contest, all by myself
This is home
The strum of dad’s bass guitar,
The click clack of mom’s fingers on the keyboard
The knock on the door on Sunday nights
Signaling Grammy is here for dinner
This is home
I have these things unlike others, who live in the streets, I am blessed and live in peace
The people in the world who need food, love and care,
There are people like this who need helping everywhere.
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