What home means to me!
Home means many different things to so many different people. But home
means plenty of different things to me!
To me home means memories! I have had plenty of different memories like when my little
sister Brynlee came home for the first time from the hospital, and when I slid down the stairs
in a laundry basket and decorated my room with my mom
Home means so many things to me, just like family, smells, and feelings! Family means so
many things to me being home with them males me so happy! When I get home from school it
is just the smell that makes me feel at home. But there are feelings too, my feelings are feeling
loved, happy, exited, and welcomed there!
Home is somewhere I feel safe and accepted. I feel safe because I have my family with me. I feel
safe with my family at home, so as long as I have my family by my side, I will always be happy
and content. I am accepted there for who I am, and I do not have to act because I know I am accepted.
Home means many different things to many different people. But that is what home means to