My Home
A home is a safe and sound place where you can make fun and good memories with anyone. Once in a while it may be rough with families but it is part of life! I love that I have a place to call home. It can be peaceful whenever it is night and I get so excited to get in my warm cozy bed. Whenever I watch tv, shows or movies with my family, sometimes we put the fireplace on and it is so relaxing even peaceful. I love to snuggle with my family and pets. That way I know I am safe and sound and that means, hopefully, I have good dreams. When I go to bed, dad, Aurelia, Aaliyah, Rihanna and mom say goodnight to me and give me a hug. I love everything and anything about my home. I’m so grateful for everything. I love my family, everybody I know, my pets and also my home.
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