Meaning of Home
Home is a place where you make memories with your friends and family. The meaning of home to me is cuddling on the couch with a warm blanket all together. It means sitting down at the dinner table and talking about our days. You grow up in your home with family and pets. I love to smell the scent of freshly baked buns and cookies, well some can’t smell it. Or to help with baking, well some kids can’t. A home is a safe and protected place to be with family. My home is where I have loved, cried, smiled, and laughed. I shared my first steps in my home. I learned to walk and run and play in my home. In my home I have cats and puppies. To have a home is to have a place to live and stay. I look outside and see people on the streets cold with no home and I start to realize they need help. When I see people there I wish they had a home. I want these people to have a home. I want them to have shelter and family. I want them to smile and laugh like I do in my home. I want them to have a home to call their own. I realize how lucky I am to have a home and food and to grow up in a home to call my own. The meaning of home is spending time with family and to love them.
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