Home to me is not only a house.
Home is somewhere I am not alone,
Somewhere my family and I make jokes and create memories.
Home to me is somewhere I know and love.
Somewhere I live until sunset and dream until sunrise.
Most importantly home is where I am myself and no one else.
A house is a roof over my head but a home is so much more.
I am at home wherever I'm with the people I love.
I am at home whenever someone is by my side.
Being at home doesn't always mean being in a house.
Being at home makes me smile, it lets me forget about everything else.
When I am at home I feel special and privileged to feel at home, because home is not something everybody has.
It's not something you earn or something you pick.
It's what you decide home means to you.
I have woke up countless times in my own room with family that loves me. Only now I realize how privileged I am to have to have a house, to have a home.
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