A True Home

What is a home? A home is where you and your family live. It’s where you can be yourself and not be judged. Where you have your first steps, first learned to ride your bike, where you got your first phone, your first everything. Even though these memories could have happened in different places, both are still your home, old and new. It holds your memories, both good and bad. The place your family resides, it is the place you love most. It’s where you create memories that you will cherish forever. It’s where you feel loved. Some people may think that a home is just a building you live in, but it’s not. It may have been once, but when you move in, you and your family are what make it a real home. You all pump joy, happiness and love into the home and that’s what makes it a home. All that happiness makes the house worth living in, along with the people inside it. A home is not only filled with furniture and other necessities. It’s filled with your family's dreams, your hope, your love, and your spirit. Everyone deserves a home. You aren’t being judged by anyone there. You can do whatever you want, however you like, without anyone telling you otherwise. It’s where you can express your feelings, talking to family and friends who will help you feel better. Any bottled up feelings can be released, and your family is understanding. Where you can think without anyone disturbing you. It’s where you find comfort when you need it most. I might be lucky enough to have one, but not everyone does. We can work towards helping them get one, though. That’s the whole point of this essay. I’m thankful to have a home like mine.


6 Année

Oakville, Ontario

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