The meaning of home
Webster’s dictionary defines home as a place where a person lives, but it’s not just that, it’s so much more. What really makes a home a home is knowing that everything will be how you left it when you get back home, and that you can go back anytime. I also love the fact that home is also safe, and where I live I have many privileges. Many people don’t know or just ignore the fact that they have it so good, but I know that I do and it’s very tragic how many people don’t have a home to come home to.
Home isn’t just wooden walls and a roof, it’s one of the biggest memories people have as an adult. Say an adult grew up in a town called Apple Valley, they’d remember that place for the rest of their life. It’s because that house was in that town, affecting every aspect of their life. Their school, their friends, and of course where everything happens in their life. A lot of nostalgia leads back to an adult’s childhood home.
Our definition of home has drastically changed in the past few years, and maybe we’ve become a lot more attached to it then we could have ever imagined. The empty corner of your room could’ve become the reading nook, or the living room a playfair display for every Disney classic.
But at the end of the day, it’s always home, a place where you can be comfortable and feel safe. Maybe it’s the place where you can collapse and finally breathe after having a long day, or maybe you finally get ahead on that cleaning you had to do. Who knows, you’re at home now.
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