The Meaning of Home To Me
The meaning of home to me is a spot where everyone should feel safe, a spot that you can stay if you had a ruff day, it’s a spot where you can be with your family and goof around and watch funny movies, a spot where you can make memories, a spot that has a roof, walls, food, space, and water, but some people are not so lucky they do not have all of the things we have in are daily lives, some people live under a bridge for shelter, or in a homeless shelter. A ton of people are on the side of roads. It is sad that a ton of people can’t afford homes to live in to make memories and experience all of the things that we get to do every day.
The price of homes will keep going up and more people will not have a home. A ton of teens getting out of college can’t afford a home. And Soon only the richer people will have a house. A ton of people will live under bridges or on the side of the road. If we do not take part in raising money for Habitat for Humanity, a lot more people will not have a place to call home.
It is sad when you walk down town where you are and see people sitting on the ground. This happens everywhere you go. The main thing we can do is raise money for Habitat for Humanity.
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