A Home Always Forgives

End The arguments, the unkindness Though not ignorable What can be revised and redone, is your second chance These are given in a home, a safehouse, a place of Protection Put in front of you, the forgiveness of Your wrongs, though the cuts will still bleed. Through the cracks that form in a home’s foundation, Flowers can still bloom. Fix What is needed Family is always there Catching your fall The stone pillars, holding the slab You are held up, sturdy love is Walls Memories, happy, sad, good or bad. Only memorable, if you care Remembrance, comfort, cry into your pillow, lost is always found. Home is anywhere, home is trust To love and forgive Family, parents, siblings Love of theirs is to protect, to reassure Though a home Can break You and your family are tape A home is held together by those who love each other Only you know where your home really is. Think If you love it, Wherever your home moves, it never Changes


6 Année

Edmonton, Alberta

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