Meaning of Home

Home is more important than you think. Here's why it’s important to me! Home is a safe,happy and peaceful place where you always feel welcome! It's a place where you are respected and respect others!Usually you grew up there therefore you feel most comfortable and safe when you're at home! It is also usually full of family and people you love and care about and who love and care for you! Home is a familiar place to you and I find it comforting to know where everything is and how to get to everything! (I also find that helpful for hide and go seek!) I prefer to know what's behind every corner because when I was little I used to try to scare my siblings and it worked but I also freaked myself out so knowing that everything is safe makes me feel a lot safer! ( I regret trying to scare them). Home is a place where you can choose what you want and if you want to be alone or if you want to be socializing with other family members! You usually have your own room or if you share a room the person you share with should always respect your privacy in exchange for you respecting theirs! I like alone time and my family respects that so I get what I want but sometimes I choose to play one of my siblings and I respect that they prefer to socialize so I always make time to do something special with them! Home is much more important than a word or a place, home is a feeling!


4 Année

Kitchener, Ontario

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