What Home Means To Me

Home means a lot of things to different people. For me, home means spending lots of time with my family, and sharing lots of memories. These are the mean the most to me when it comes to being at home. Family is a big part of what home means to me because home is where my dog is. I like having my dog around because she's fun, crazy, and amazing a dog. Home is where my brothers are and I like having them around. They might be annoying sometimes but they're so fun to be around. I also like spending time with my mom and dad and helping them do things around the house. Memories are another big part of what home means to me. Playing in the snow with my dog is something I look forward to every year because it's always so much fun to see her running around and happy. Memories are a big part of what home means to me. Every year having Christmas breakfast with my Papa after opening gifts and playing games like card games. Memories are a big part of what home means to me. Having birthday party at my house help make me have so many memories of having parties at my house it is so much fun to have my family all at my house for birthdays it's also fun to celebrate with all my family. Home means so many different things to different people but that’s what home means to me!


6 Année

Brantford, Ontario

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