The Meaning of Home

Home is a place where you can feel safe and protected. Home is a place where there’s family, loved ones, a place to have friends over - somewhere you can call home. To me, home is a place of warmth, where I can spend time with those that matter to me! Home is everywhere if you think about it. If you are with family or not, home can be anywhere. What does home mean to you? Many people don’t really think about their home and what it actually means to them. Some people don’t know how lucky or how grateful they should be for their home. Some may not even like their home that there staying in. But they should know there’s so many people hoping that they had one. I wish people were more aware of their society. I wish more people knew how much their parents sacrifice to get a roof over their head or at least get them where they are now. You know the simple things you don’t know you can lose are right there - like your home. I hope people understand what I’m trying to say. What would you do if you didn’t have a home? Imagine not having a home. What would you do? I know I would try my best to stay positive. The fact that People around the world aren’t aware of the society around them. Somewhere out there in the world, there might be people running around the place trying to find shelter. The sad part is, many people out there aren’t aware that many people out there are homeless.


6 Année

Grande Prairie, Alberta

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