A home is a place where you watch tv, sleep, eat. There are a lot of different types of homes. There are big ones, little ones, old houses new houses, expensive houses, clean and dirty houses.
What home means to me, is that it is a place where you can live and do things you haven’t done before and a normal place to be. A home is a pretty great place to be and much better than living in the streets or an alleyway. It makes me feel happy because you can live like a very great family with sisters, brothers and parents all in one place. It might cost a lot of money for a home and not everyone can afford one. Lots of homeless people can go to a shelter but it’s nicer to have your own home.
If you didn’t have a home, you would probably not like living in an alleyway. You could go to a homeless shelter, where they will feed you and give you a bed and maybe watch tv. But there might be strangers that you do not like. You wouldn’t know where you would sleep at night. It might be scary and confusing.
In conclusion, The Government should probably help homeless people with some money for a house and to help them get a job to help them with that money. This way they can actually have a normal life as they now have a home. It would make them feel great and relieved to have a warm safe place of their own. It is important because they would be able to not be cold in the winter as well. I am lucky I have my own home and hope may others that don’t will one day too.
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