The Paperwork
At the top of the page it said, "What Does Your Home Mean To You." I backed away and ran to my room, the window was open so the cool fall breeze hit me. The pale blue walls made me think of home. Should I do that for my assignment, I thought but it would be too simple. I would wait until I got a better idea.
The night slowly creeped in and the next thing I was doing was brushing my teeth while humming my favorite tune. After a long 2 minutes, I pull my sheets over my cold body. The feeling brings back so many memories, like when we first moved in. I didn't know where anything was, all the sounds were new. My bed and my warm sheets made me feel safe. As I fell asleep I felt safe. I woke up and turned to see the clock, it said 2:30am. My mind was overwhelmed because I got the best idea. When I got up the floor squeaked under my feet. I walked to my desk where their paperwork layed.
I wrote “My home makes me think about a lot but mostly how it is like a body. Why I say that is because your skin is like the stuff that decorates your home, it makes you feel inviting and it also wraps your bones. Your bones hold up your body and they are the supports that hold up your home. The muscles are like the furnace, they keep you warm in the winter. Your brain keeps all the good memories you made and lastly it’s your heart. It holds all the love and good things. The heart of your home makes it feel inviting. I want to submit this, I thought”.
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