What Home Means to Me
Home is love. Somewhere to feel and somewhere
To go. Home isn't always a building, home is where you can have
A feeling. Home brings all together, no matter size,height or color,
Home is where we can all love each other.
There are days where we all feel down, but home will always be around.
Home is where we can be ourselves, and teach one another how to
Love themselves. You can take home with you, wherever you go, no
matter how far, the memories you'll know,
Some people come and go, but memories will cherish even if they're not
there anymore. Home is where you can be honest with yourself, and to be
happy, even if you only have yourself.
But love can come from far away no matter how, it will always stay.
We can all make a home, by gathering together
Like a small feather can bring us all together, forever
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