Meaning of home
The word home has 4 letters but it has a big meaning. Home is where I go to feel safe. When I’m home I get to see my family. I see my brothers and my mom. At home it is noisy and quiet. Home is where I can go and be happy. I play video games and board games with my brothers. Everytime I go home I feel welcomed. I can go home and I can sleep. A house is just a place to sleep and eat but a home is where someone never leaves and has tons of memories. A home is comforting and inviting. It's where I go when I feel bad. It's safe and it's the place I always wanna be. When there's a storm I wanna be home no where else but home. When I'm home I can shower and watch my favorite hockey team, the Toronto Maple Leafs. I go home to eat my favorite food tacos and play basketball on my net. I can go home and play road hockey or mini stick hockey. When I’m home I don't have to worry about anything. When I first moved in it was a house, but now it's a home.
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