What Home Means to Me

Home is more than just a place, for me. It's family. My family is special to me. They make me feel special in my home. I love them. I feel safe and protected in my home. Home is love. I love my home so much. I can feel happy in my home. Home is luckiness. I'm lucky that I have a roof over my head and wall around me, protecting me from the storms. I am lucky that I have a home and food to eat. Being in a home feels good. but when I think about other people without a home it makes me so sad. All I want is for other people to find a home, hopefully as good as mine. Home is warm, safe. Home is a feeling to me. In my home, I feel good and safe, protected and well, happy and loved. My home is made of wishes and dreams. Home is comfortable. I feel comfortable in my home. I hope others feel comfortable in their home just like I do. I know my home is a place where I am safe and not forced to do anything I do not want to do. I love feeling safe in my home. Home is easy. Let me be honest. Life is not easy with school, the world, but in my home life is easier. I can feel comfortable in my home. I gotta admit last February I moved at first. I did not like it so much. It was hard to adjust, but now it is great. Things are a bit rough but isn't life? I know it is going to be great. No matter the twists and the turns, I will always love my home. I will always be grateful for my home.


4 Année

Washago, Ontario

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