
Home Home is not just about a house to live in, it's about love, building trust and feeling safe with family and friends. And guess what there is so much more and I only listed three. At my home there is peace, but once in a while we get into arguments and we forgive each other. What home is to me To me home is not just a place it is a feeling. In my opinion. What makes my home a home is peace, love, family, friends, positions and memories My home To me my home is very special , I would never replace my home. In my home it’s not just a place for me to live in, it's a place to spend time with my family and friends. My home is also where I’m loved and where I build memories. Community My home is surrounded by lots of other homes in the neighborhood. And everyone has a different home, we are a community All homes are different and unique My home is different from everyone else's, like when I go to my friends home it’s so different I don’t know where anything is, and I know where everything is inside my home because I am at my home all the time. What makes a home a home A home just starts out as a house, and the more you spend time in it the more it feels like home. A home isn’t about the walls or a roof, it;s about the people inside it.


4 Année

Kanata, Ontario

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