Meaning of Home

Home is a place where I live a happy life with my family, but other people might not have the same opinion on what home means to them or might not have the same privilege of being home. Hello, I am here to tell you the meaning of home to me, and how it affects my life. Home is a place where you are loved and excepted by your familly and your community. Home is a place where you are well nourished with clean water, locally raised meat, and organic fruits and vegetables. Home is a place where you can live a happy life being protected by people you love like friends and familly. Home is a place where you are grateful for the things you are given by your family and friends. Home is a place where you have fun playing sports like basketball and baseball or other sports. In conclusion, this was my opinion of home but, like I said in the introduction, there are people who have different opinions or don’t have the privilege of home. Thank you for reading my project on the meaning of home.


6 Année

Comox, Colombie-Britannique

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