Home Sweet Home
What is the meaning of home? Does anyone know? I know. The feeling of being at home is just unexplainable! For me, being at home is the best thing ever. The atmosphere of my house is always filled with some kind of emotion, for instance, love, as in me and my sister getting together without fighting and scratching each others heads off. Or maybe anger, as in my mom yelling at my dad for forgetting to buy the groceries. Or maybe confusion, as in me and my sister trying to figure out what chores our parents asked us to do because we obviously forgot. So yeah you see, our home’s atmosphere is always (or almost always) filled with some sort of emotion. Another thing is that, me and my family members being trilingual ( a person being able to speak three languages) is really fun, because my family members always seem to say something in their mother tongue, and me being able to understand it, is something I am very proud of.
Anyways , for me, home means the base of happiness, and joy, a place where you can relax, do whatever you want to do, feel comfortable, or just truly be yourself! A home is a place where you can spend quality times with your family, friends and pets. It is also a place with lots and lots of memories. As a baby, I was always taught by my parents that a home is made up of a family whereas a house is just made out of materials. My favourite quote is “a house might belong to you, but we all belong to a home”
The joy of being with your family is an experience not everyone can have, so we should always respect our families and homes and we should never take them for granted.
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