The Meaning of Home
Not everyone has a house. Some are unfortunate and don't even have a home but most are fortunate to have a great one. Once your family found a place to live in you’ll be Cheery and then when you start making amazing memories, that's when you know you have a home.
The great thing about a home that is different from a house is the home will expand mentally and physically with your family. Home is a great place to let out all your emotions and a place to be yourself.
It doesn’t matter if you have an apartment or a two story house or a condo or a mansion or even just staying at a hotel your home should be a safe and comforting place to assist with all your needs. Sadly not everyone has a good home. So everyone should help their neighbors, family and friends so they can also have a great home. Your house may be disgusting, flawless or Amorphous but your home is perfect and spectacular.