A Long Way Home

Once upon a time, a family of four lived in a cottage on the hill. Their names were Lola a little girl, Tim a young man, Mom and Dad, and Zigzag the dog. Tim and Lola were out on a walk with Zigzag when they saw some storm clouds. "Let's go home early Tim, I think a storm is coming in," Lola said. "Alright Lola, c'mon!" Tim called as he ran home. The kids and Zigzag were back home and there was a moving truck in front of their house. "What are you doing?" Tim asked a man who was hammering a sign into their lawn. "What does it look like, kid?" The man said rudely. Zigzag started barking at the man. "RAFF! WOOF! GRR," Zigzag growled. "Ziggy stop!" Lola told Zigzag to sit down. "kids go ask your parents I'm not in the mood right now," the man snapped. The kids walked inside and saw Mom and Dad talking to a real estate agent. "What are you doing?" Tim asked. "Oh, kids! you came early," Mom said in a worried voice. "A storm was coming up so we had to come early," Lola explained. "Why are you selling the house?!" Tim asked in a serious voice. "Your father got a job in the city," Mom said in a kind voice. Lola and Zigzag ran up to their shared room. The next day the family packed and took a two hour drive to the city. They unpacked into their new apartment. The family started fighting, the kids went to their room and the parents talked in the living room. the kids came out "we realized the true meaning of home being with you friends and family not what house you live in" Tim said. The End...


5 Année

Breslau, Ontario

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Sagen - Commanditaire du Concours des Élèves Le Sens d’un Chez Soi


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