What Makes My Home Special
What makes my home special to me is my LOLS, my setup, board games, and my mom. What makes my LOLS special is they are sooooo easy to keep track of. You can dress them up however you want. They come with water bottles so you can either make them spit, cry, shoot water out of their ears, or tinkle. If you dunk them in hot or cold water they may color change. Their head can come off and you may or may not see a clear tube coming out of the throat.
What makes my setup special to me is it has a lot of LOL OMG changing rooms. It has the LOL movie magic set my mom got me for christmas. Ever since I got the movie magic set I have been playing with my LOL movie magic set. Then I had a great idea of getting LOL OMG dolls to grow the movie magic set into a setup.
What makes my love of board games real is because my mom and I play my favorite games Mario monopoly, Mario life, and plane monopoly. I got Mario monopoly for christmas in 2020. I got Mario life for my Birthday. I always win against my mom.
I love my mom because she always helps me when I am stuck on math and she also helps with getting through my dad leaving. I love my mom so much. I love my mom so much.
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