Meaning of Home
Hello, my name is Claire Kozoriz from Kamloops B.C. I am in grade six and I go to Parkcrest Elementary! I am 11 years old and this is my essay on the Meaning of! Hope you enjoy and home does mean alot to me! It means People,love, and Family. Home is a cozy and safe place with the people you love!
I think of it with people inside and every house/home should have a place to connect or play games with the people you love! Board games or video games are good for interacting and having fun together! I have a basement with all that fun stuff in it and that is the room/area we spend the most time in.
We also have a cabin where in the summer we go boating and have hot dog roasts. And in the winter we have an ice rink on the lake where we play hockey and roast marshmallows on the warm fire! And inside we have a wood burning fireplace! Where we watch movies and cook meals together and eat together every meal.
Love does not just mean you care, it means to be happy and to be together. In my family we all love each other. I do not have a pet anymore. My dog died in December right before Christmas, he was 13. And opening presents was hard this year. Home does mean pets but without that feeling home does not feel right. Home is still home if you have the people to share it with!
Home means 4 walls and a roof. It has to have furniture and unique bedrooms to make it a whole. I love playing with my family and I love being by myself so a quiet environment is also good to have when stressed or sad. The feeling of home is good for when company comes over for dinner and grandparents when they stay in town for the night! Decoration is important because it expresses who you and your family are! My home’s decoration is cozy and modern. I love my house and the bright colors inside! The feeling of home means that you know you are loved and will always be loved.
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