Meaning of Home

Meaning of home Hi my name is Rida merie muqeet and this is the meaning of home means to mean me , Home is’t just a house or an apartment or a structure it’s where you feel welcome where you feel safe. Home isn't where you feel like you can't be yourself or not safe.Home doesn't mean you live with your family or your friends, it could honestly be anyone and it could still be home. Home is where there are people you can trust and are there for you. And can be willing to do anything for you. I remember when me and my family went to niagara falls and we met my dad's side of the family there we went ziplining and went to arcades and restaurants and the huge boat down by the falls was really fun. About 2 years ago my family and my mom's friend with her 2 kids went to CANADA WONDERLAND in the morning. We did more kids rides in the morning. And at lunch we left and got a stamp so we could come back. At night we did most of the adult rides. I just turned 9 and I was a tall kid for my age so I could go on the rides with my mom. This summer my family went camping. I had never gone before so i was really looking forward to it but before i was happy i was nervous after I realized how fun it was. We stayed for 3 more days. We went swimming fishing got popsicles everything was actually really really fun except the insects not a big fan of those and the bathrooms where across the field i enjoy when my family came over to see us thank you for reading my essay even if i dont it was fun while it lasted


5 Année

Mississauga, Ontario

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